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All the familyby Nathan Anderson

Care for the Caregiver

As a family member or caregiver of an individual with disabilities, taking care of yourself is extremely important. We know how dedicated you are to supporting your loved one, however it is challenging to support, advocate for, and take care of others if you don’t first show yourself that same level of care.

Resources that may be helpful:

CDC- Caregiving Tips for Families of People with Disabilities: Tips to support family caregivers of individuals with disabilities in taking care of themselves.

Self-Care for Family Caregivers : Information and tools to guide family caregivers in practicing self-care.

Caregiver Stress: Tips for self-care for caregivers.

Family Voices : Focuses on helping caregivers of children and youth with special needs.

ARCH National Respite Network: Resources for family caregivers to get financial help.

Family Caregiver Alliance: Family Care Navigator Services by state.

Caregiver Action Network: Information and educational materials for family caregivers.

Caregiver Guide for Special Needs: Q&As about diagnoses, common issues, and resources.